To have excellent score in examinations is mostly the priority of all, and JAMB/UTME is not an exception. Adequate preparation towards success is a necessity, but quite a lot of JAMB/UTME prospects fail in this aspect. To address part of the shortfalls resulting into poor performance of university prospect in JAMB/UTME, this article highlight major checklists needed to boost ones performance.
Adequate preparation requires different phases; all working together to make sure the candidate is well informed and prepared for the examination.
- Basic Checklists
- Preparation Checklists
- Paper and Pencil
- Computer based Testing (CBT)
Under certain observation, it was noticed that most candidates pay less attention to some basic checklists prior to the examination date, and mostly make last minute rush, which probably will leave a lot of things undone. The basic checklists, covers the purchase of JAMB form at the right time (not at the last minute), to getting informed with all that has to do with the examination centre. Basic checklists are further highlighted below:
- Purchase your JAMB form
- Make findings on choice of Institution before selecting/ Course of choice
- Make sure you registered for the subject of choice
- Check your examination centre at the appropriate time
- Confirm examination centre preferably a week before the examination
- Get informed
To have a very good grade/score in JAMB, adequate preparation towards that goal is required. Being relevant with the syllabus in focus, that helps in referencing the topics/ sections of every subject of choice, working with relevant past questions and attempting mock examination in group or in person. Close to similar preparation checklist is required in the two platforms of writing UTME examination (Paper and Pencil test and CBT)
Under preparation checklist (Paper and Pencil test)
- Make sure you have recent/ relevant syllabus
- Base your reading on the syllabus
- Start early preparation
- Get past questions to work with
- Assess yourself in relationship with the syllabus topics
- Attempt mock examination with some friends
- Get informed on the tools needed for the examination
Computer Based Testing is another platform which JAMB uses to administer UTME, which is obviously different from the common paper and pencil method. The major preparation checklist under this platform is to get relevant CBT software that will acclimatize prospects into the environment (Avalanche PK recommended). The major preparation checklist under this platform is highlighted below:
- Get acquinted with a CBT software
- Practice more in a CBT environment
- Attempt a real time examination using CBT (mock examination)
- Get informed on the tools to be taken to the examination hall
Every individual has a predefined method of preparing for examination, but for better performance at UTME, the basic and preparation checklists will further move the prospects in actualizing better score when fully followed. It should also be noted that the checklist listed, are not the only checklist required but the most important.
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